6 Ways to Dress Out of Your Comfort Zone

Are you bored with your signature look? Everyone loves the classics, but it never hurts to refresh your style. Stepping out of your fashion comfort zone is a great way to revitalize your wardrobe and brighten your outlook on life. If you suddenly find that interesting patterns, wearing colorful clothes, or unusual silhouettes are catching your eye, think about how they could work for you. When it comes to trying something different, what’s stopping you? Enjoying new fashion can be an adventure, so we’ve put together some tips for expressing yourself with the best in gorgeous women’s clothing.

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1. Reimagine Yourself

We express ourselves through the clothes we wear, and if you’re feeling a bit stuck, your personal style might suffer. Think about who you want to be next month or even next week. What would this new self wear? If you want to be carefree and spend more time smiling, you might want to start wearing colorful tops that naturally lighten your mood. If you’re feeling less than confident about your body, find images of women that look great at any size and see how they dress. Realize that fashion has the power to change how you perceive yourself and how others see you too. Find a look that expresses who you want to be, and make it your own. This way you can evolve into a better version of yourself. We all have the power to change, and we can dress to overcome our limitations.

2. Find Clothes That Resonate

Do you ever see a dress and say “I love that, but I’d never wear it!” If so, ask yourself, “Well, why wouldn’t you?” If you react to cute sweaters with a smile or see a pair of gold high heels that give you a little thrill, pay attention. These clothes and shoes are speaking to your spirit and saying “Please shine!” If you’re having trouble seeing yourself in lipstick-pink jeans, rethink the urge to hide. Imagine yourself spending an ideal day wearing those jeans as part of a perfect outfit. Feels good, right? Take it as a sign. Wearing bright clothes when you’re having fun will supercharge your style.

3. Create an Inspiration Board

If you find pieces you love as you shop but have trouble seeing the big picture, it’s time to get visual. Look for pictures of outfits you love online or in magazines and use them to create a mood board. As you collect more photos and put them side-by-side, you’ll probably notice that they have a silhouette or some stylistic element in common. If you’re seeing flowing silhouettes, floral motifs, or specific color combinations when you look at your board, it’s a sign of what you like. Use the pictures you select as a primer for how to wear these clothes successfully. Look at how your picks are styled, identify exactly what you like, and make note of these characteristics so you can incorporate them into your own look.

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4. Start With One Bold Piece

It can be hard to move in a new direction if you’re self-conscious about your look. If you make big changes, you’re bound to get attention. Some women find it easier to build their confidence by wearing one bold piece at a time. If you’re dying to wear silky ruffles, for instance, go for a blouse in a color or print you love paired with a basic bottom. Then, pick a different audacious accessory, skirt, bag, or coat every day and incorporate it into your look. Soon, you’ll find that wearing these clothes is becoming second nature. As you start to feel good in more eye-catching looks, you’ll see that pushing the envelope can bring out your best, most expressive self.

5. Go Undercover

While it’s nice to say “Wear whatever you want,” if we’re honest, most of us want our friends, family, and colleagues to like what we wear, or at least, not hate it. If you can balance bucking convention with getting approving glances for your brilliant taste, you’ve hit the jackpot. To mitigate risk, why not go incognito to test out your theory? Put on a new cute sweater or a bold new color, and go to a new town or restaurant where no one knows who you are. If passersby give you approving looks or a smile and a compliment, you’ll know you’re on the right track.

6. Be Positive

When you think about it, getting out of your comfort zone should be exciting, not scary! Celebrate yourself and give yourself credit for expanding your horizons. When you find and amplify the spark within, you’ll naturally be more beautiful, no matter your shape, size, or age. When you wear colorful clothes that are in tune with your personality, everything will mesh. People will see your fashion choices as an extension of who you are. Be proud of your taste; it will help you build confidence. Practice self-compassion and speak to yourself with love. Trust your instincts. Wear things that feel right, but if a look goes wrong, don’t sweat it because you can always change clothes and refine your look. Before you know it, you’ll be delighting yourself and everyone else with your stunning sartorial talents.

Express Yourself With Fearless Fashion!

When it comes to fashion, stepping outside of your comfort zone can be very rewarding, but you won’t know it until you try it! Never underestimate the power of a new look — updating your wardrobe can help you see yourself differently and face the world with confidence. When you’re feeling good in your bright new clothes, the world is sure to take notice.